Tuesday, 27 January 2009


I lied to my children yesterday - yikes! They really wanted to celebrate Chinese New Year so I made beef and veg stir fry with rice. I put in some standard veg - carrots et al - and when the children asked what the turnip was I said special chinese veg - they loved it and ate it all up, I feel bad.
It is v foggy tonight. I'd like to go out and run in it but not really possible. Have been doing some mini tri training. I ran 2 miles then cycled 6 miles. The transitions are not tri smooth, more like change trainers, find bike, reset zen, wait half an hour for it to reset, flick through the tunes til something good comes on. Yesterday did 30 mins resistance and cardio, then my usual 45 mins cycle and 100 sit ups at night. I will lose this weight, nearly 5 years after giving birth, oh yes I will.
Speaking of birth - Octuplets!!!!! Ouch. Can you imagine giving birth to 8 babies and not being an animal I mean. And breast feeding all 8- yeah right! I breastfed 2 and I felt like I spent all day half wearing a t shirt.
In other news, 3 people died in an avalanche near Glencoe at the weekend. That's quite shocking and today a train derailed near Stewarton, caught fire and spilt oil and diesel all over the road. EEk!! News near home, how scary.
Andy Murray crashed out of the tennis. Thank God that Premier League Darts starts soon as there is very little decent sport on tv at the mo.
Caitlin did really well at school today. She did lots of counting and wrote all the correct answers to her sums. She is very proud. I am very proud. Alice claims to be having visions. She says she predicted lots of things that happened today, hmmm.
Going to make the lunches now, have spent too much time working and need some sleep.

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